Fachtagungen Streuobst

Tagungsreihe Bio-Streuobst
Zur Sicherung der Streuobstbestände bedarf es unter anderem rentabler Nutzungs- und Verwertungsmöglichkeiten. Die Vermarktung von Streuobst und Streuobstprodukten als Bioware kann eine lukrative Verwertungsmöglichkeit sein, zumal es zur Erzeugung von Bio-Streuobst neben der Zertifizierung oftmals keiner oder nur einer geringen Umstellung der Produktionsweise bedarf.
Im Rahmen einer Tagungsreihe über mehrere Jahre werden die Möglichkeiten und Chancen dargestellt, die der Bio-Anbau von Streuobst bietet.
An den Tagungen haben bisher regelmäßig über 80 interessierte Besucher aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und aus Luxemburg teilgenommen.
Conference series of organic fruit production from orchard meadows
To secure stocks of fruit from extensively-managed traditional orchards or orchard meadows, viable utilization options are needed. The marketing of fruit and other products from these orchards as organic products can be a lucrative option, as, apart from certification, the production of organic fruit from traditional orchards or orchard meadows often requires little or no change in production methods. As part of a series of conferences over several years, the opportunities and prospects offered by the organic production of fruit from traditional orchards or orchard meadows will be presented.
To date, over 80 participants from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg have taken part in the conferences.
An evaluation of the issued evaluation questionnaires showed that over 90% of the participants would like to attend a follow-up event.
Each conference has its own website. Presentation slides can be downloaded from these websites.
To date, over 80 participants from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg have taken part in the conferences.
An evaluation of the issued evaluation questionnaires showed that over 90% of the participants would like to attend a follow-up event.
Each conference has its own website. Presentation slides can be downloaded from these websites.
1. Bio-Streuobsttagung "Marktpotenziale von Streuobst und Streuobstprodukten im Öko-Lebensmittelmarkt" (März 2012)
Kulturlandschaftstag 2013
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