Monitoring of the Environmental Effects of the Bt Gene; Research Project Sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment, Health, and Consumer Protection (StMUGV)
Schriftenreihe 10/2006

Genetic engineering makes it possible to transfer genes for insecticidal toxins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) into corn. This genetically modified corn expresses Bt endotoxins (CryA1b) in a highly specific fashion protecting it from infestation by corn borers. The research at LfL dealt mainly with the question whether non-target organisms may be potentially affected by the use of the Bt gene. With a focus on a sustainable and environment-friendly agriculture, special attention was directed towards "species protection" "soil fertility", and "biological control". Die deutsche Version ist als Schriftenreihe 7/2005 erschienen. (113 Seiten)
Erscheinungsdatum: April 2006
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